CAPABILITIES in Government Relations and Public Affairs
Government Relations & Policy Advice
Engagement with senior public servants and elected official on behalf of (contracted) clients
Issues monitoring, tracking and reporting on behalf of clients
Working with large industrial and corporate clients, as well as institutions, start-ups and not-for-profit programs and agencies
Deep understanding of and insight into government operations in all three levels of government (gained through hands-on experience working within these levels of government)
Developing successful relationships with current provincial government including the Premier’s office and several cabinet ministers
Strong knowledge of the federal and provincial regulatory environment
Providing CEOs, ministers and senior officials with strategic advice spanning industrial, environmental, agricultural, retail, energy, healthcare, social programs and services, and more.
Reponses to government with (or on behalf of) clients to proposed regulation, funding and legislation
Policy language development and shaping
Facilitating industry strategic planning and ‘position’ development with boards, committees and leadership teams
Providing local/regional GR resources and representation on behalf of large (often national) Strategy and Public Affairs Consultants
Representing clients at conferences, meetings and coordinating engagement with government officials
GR Strategy plan development and audits of existing plans
Strategic Communications & Project Management
Co-developing (with a multi-disciplinary team) a wide range of immediate and long-term communications and marketing strategies and initiatives
Researching, writing and editing targeted communications
Market research strategy, management and analysis/recommendations
Ongoing strategic communications advice, guidance and coaching to executives, employers, elected officials and senior managers
Strategic communications campaign and tool developers from presentations to speeches, websites, media campaigns, social media strategy, print materials, and more
Crisis communications experience (e.g. related to industrial accidents and other emergencies)
Media relations support / spokesperson role at a local, national or international level
Event Development and Management
Creation and development of meetings, townhalls, roundtables, receptions, conferences and similar events from small to large scale on behalf of clients, often in direct partnership with government
Coordinating event-related GR activities with government officials and handlers, including invitation management, protocol, speaking, script/presentation development, etc.